Azelaic Acid

It is a saturated dicarboxylic acid that can naturally be found in wheat, rye and barley and it is a natural substance of Malassezia furfur (Pityrosporum ovale) that lives on normal skin.

In industry it is produced by ozonolysis of oleic acid.

It has very good effect against numerous skin irritations and its mostly used against acne, applied in a cream that contains 20% of azelaic acid. It can be also used as a stimulant for growth of the hair.

Azelaic acid has very good references because it is antibacterical and it reduces the growth of bacteria in the follicle where it is applied; it returns skin cells to normal growth and that makes it keratolytic and comedolytic; it reduces free radicals and inflammation and also reduces pigmentatin of skin so it is a very good treatment for patients that suffer from melasma or whose acne deprive dark brown color; it is not toxic and it is well tolerated by most patients.

However caution should be present because 20% of azelaic acid  can be skin irritant and it should be used only on prescription from doctor.


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